Tips on Photo Upload – Use Photoshop or Paint to edit first

Photos, or appraisals or other documents may be uploaded to FairSplit to have as reference or to assign or associate with specific assets.  Here are some tips for preparing and uploading photos.

  • Do all cropping and rotating before uploading.  Photoshop and Windows Paint programs definitely “hold” the changes in rotation when being uploaded.  Some, like Picasa only show the rotation when in their program and it reverts to the original layout when uploading to FairSplit. If unsure, test a couple first.
  • More than one photo may be associated with any asset (different angles, close ups of damage or brand, etc.)
  • You may find it easiest to upload photos AFTER you have created the Property and Room names to match your estate, then upload the photos for that room, then the next room, etc.  This saves the trouble of having to highlight and move them to the right room later.
  • More than one asset may be associated with a single photo.  For example, a single photo of 5 sets of earrings can be easily associated with all five single listings of each earring. Or a photo with a table, with a lamp on it and a figurine can be used for all three items.